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Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Amateur writers from India

I love writing, its just that partly because of my procrastinating personality and distractions I don't get to write often. Another flaw I have understood is that I don't edit or even re-read what I write. The latter is being worked upon to be reversed so the posts could have some fluidity in writing, and the first attempt was the last post - the war under a hot sun

Here is 2012 and the status updates flooding the social web is making fun of resolutions by pointing out our screen resolution. Jokes aside, I have resolved to write more, for my own fun because I like it, and to take an honest shot at what my ability is worth.

To enable others like me who are interested in writing a novella or short story(not a personal blog post), I have created a sub reddit - 'Amateur writers from India'. If you like writing a story or even like to know what the level of amateur writing is in India please subscribe to it. 
I started working on a fantasy story a year ago and shelved it half way(like I do most of the activities in my life), and am planning to publish one chapter a week this year, mainly on that subreddit. 

I am going to keep tabs on my life this year inspired by this article and hope to get more ticks. 

Again, happy new year and hoping 2012 will pave the way for better society where self passions are grown and negative energies get quelled.